Its is the first procedure we provide, the ultrasonic cleaning prepares the mouth to receive all the restorations in a better condition.
It's a tough tooth-like color used material when caries are small, or to replace amalgam.
Porcelain restorations in a minimum thickness used to remove spaces or give a harmonious smile effect.
Used over decayed, cracked or chipped teeth, crowns protect your teeths while restoring tooth structure.
Used to restore the missing tooth. It can also restore chew function.
A safe procedure that lightens the color of your teeth while it helps to prevent tooth decay.
Implants are titanium screws which are inserted into the bone in cases where missing teeth, then, on the screw to place bridges, crowns or full dentures as appropriate.
When decay is very deep, the tooth can be saved by removing the nerve and filling the tooth with a material that will give you strength for several years.
It applies to the extraction of third molars or teeth included.
It is through a careful study of the growth of bones and teeth that can accommodate teeths for proper function and aesthetics.